
It’s not that the heart grows cold...

…no, it burns to ash, and the ash grows cold.

dear best friend,

…I love you more daily. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you and I wish you could love yourself the way I love you. and above all, I wish your life is everything you deserve because, in my opinion you deserve the world. I will stand by you forever. my heart will always belong to you.

It’s when I’m really sad about something… …and need someone to talk about to that I realize you’re the only one who really knew me at all.
eu tinha medo. mas você veio tão calmo, quieto… que aqueceu meus pensamentos de tal maneira que os contos de fadas tornaram-se reais.

I hate it when you really miss someone and they don’t even think about you.

I got lost in the silence.

Eu sentia profunda falta de alguma coisa que não sabia o que era. Sabia só que doía, doía. Sem remédio.